The Power of Fragility

by Sabrina Fuller

The Power of Fragility began as an installation: a trunk containing various artefacts brought back from a journey in to the future: clothes, eating utensils, diaries, letters, photographs, a collage and a sound recording.

Together the contents described a future on Earth, following a Great Migration, where those with the means to do so had colonised space, and had taken with them all those who could be useful. They left behind, on a supposedly dying planet, women past child-bearing age, the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill and the ugly. Those left behind set about caring for the planet and for each other. 

Fundamental to the installation was a comments book where visitors were actively encouraged to record messages for those left behind, or their own ideas about a post-apocalyptical world.

Sabrina Fuller is interested in how groups and individuals respond and react to society’s expectations: how objectification and exclusion from mainstream society can give license to chart other ways of being. Collaborative and collective working, participation, and giving voice are fundamental to her practice. She uses a range of tools and media including still and moving image, voice, sound and the written word. Her work is regularly included in group shows, screened, broadcast or published. She is an active working group member of the Feminist Duration Reading Group, one of many collective endeavours that have influenced her practice.